Sunday, October 14, 2018

LAD/Blog #10: Jefferson's First Inaugural

During Jefferson’s first inaugural address, Jefferson addresses the crowd as “Friends and Fellow Citizens” showing his humble and responsible character as he is about to take up one of the most powerful position in the American government. Promising to abide by the constitution and protect the rights of citizens. Through his campaign Jefferson’s election has been focused on the rivalry between the two political parties John Adams representing the federalists and Jefferson as the candidate for the Republicans. However, during his speech, he refers to the American people as one, saying “we are all republicans, we are all federalists” this statement helped connect his speech to a much larger audience boosting his popularity. Jefferson’s inaugural address also ensures the rights of the people. He safeguards justice, freedom of religion and press, civil over military authority, peace and safety, agriculture and commerce, and the right to election. He states that his beliefs are to have America unite under “one heart and one mind” and therefore would do his best to help preserve and protect the rights of his people. Jefferson ends his speech showing that although his their president he is person and tells the people he will make mistakes and would like to ask for their forgiveness now.

Although it was his second inaugural address, Abraham Lincoln's speech was similar to Jeffersons. at this time the country was in the middle of the civil war. while he spoke about the wrongs of slavery he did not criticize the south. instead he spoke for the people saying that both the North and South are to blame for the war and both are in the wrong. he spoke on the hopes of reconstuction, and that the could come together as a nation. Similar to Jefferson, coming out of a close race with the federalist he did not slander them or bash their beliefs but hoped he could unite the two in support of the nation.

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