Wednesday, December 19, 2018

LAD/Blog #26: William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" speech

On July 9th, 1896, William Jennings Bryan presented his "Cross of Gold" speech. This is to address the issue over the free coinage of silver at a ratio of silver to gold 16 to 1. He lays the foundations of his speech with "individual is but an atom; he is born, he acts, he dies; but principles are eternal; and this has been a contest of principle." Bryan is stating how running in an election has everything to do with humanitarian principles. He addresses how Democrats have proposed the issue of money, but ties and friendships are still disregarded. Bryan ends with if anyone tries to defend the gold standard, he will "fight" them because he believes people should not "crucify mankind upon a cross of gold."

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This is similar to the Nixon Shock which was when Nixon cancelled the direct international convertibility of the United States dollar to gold. like the cross of gold speech, it combatted the gold-standard.

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LAD/Blog #25: The Dawes Act

The Dawes Act was enacted by Congress in 1887. It was an Act to provide for the allotment of lands in severalty to Indians on various reservations. Therefore, the President can divide up common or tribal lands so an individual owns them. Some land is allotted to each head of the family, each single person over 18, each orphan under 18, and each single person under 18 who was born before the Dawes Act. This gives power to the American government and the President, who can reserve land when needed and can even give it to American settlers. Native Americans not on a reservation will be given an equal allotment. Also, the allotment holder will become a US citizen. 

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The HomeStead Act of 1862 is similar to the Dawes Act in that it offered land to American settlers.
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LAD/Blog #24: Populist (People's) Party Platform

In the Preamble, the populist party states how the people of America were demoralized and the public opinion had been suppressed. They pledge to fix two evils: the fact that the industries of America support only a few wealthy people or companies and that the currency is not adequate. In the platform, they voice how the union of labor forces will be permanent, wealth belongs to the individual who is responsible, and that there should be regulation of railroads. They also emphasizes the need for a secure national currency. They additionally encourage that transportation is a public necessity and that land is a heritage of the people. In the Expression of the Sentiments, they list resolutions including free ballot, support for fair and liberal pensions for soldiers, limiting the president to one term, opposing national aid, shorter working hours, and support of income tax. 
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Donald Trump is seen as a populist. he sates that he performs with the people in mind and wants to benefit the average middle class working American.

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LAD/Blog #23: McKinley's War Message

Image result for william mckinleyAlthough William McKinley had disagreed with the public's demands for war, he gave in. He realized he finally had to address the conflict and the concerns of the public. He recognizes that the insurrections in Cuba had happened often and Cuba is trying to escape oppression. Even though they have tried to avoid foreign involvement, trade was suffering, money was lost and people began getting angry. Attempts at peace were made, but Spain remained in control. Spain offered to leave the option of peace up to the preparation of the insular parliament. However, the Spanish did not plan to free Cuba. McKinley voices how his views have changed over time and now believes the intervention of the US is justifiable. He is lead to ask Congress because:

  1. It is America's duty to end the inhumane treatment, especially since Cuba is so close.
  2. America should protect Cubans because they can't do it on their own
  3. Offenses to commerce, trade and industry have been made
  4. The affairs of Cuba threaten the peace of America.
McKinley also discusses the destruction of the Maine which lead to national horror and anger. Lastly, he acknowledges that Spain may attempt to make peace. He says if the war is successful, it will save the people. 

Similar to today the United States does not want to go to war with North Korea. it may be forced to if certain incidents occur, but as a nation the us wants to avoid war

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

LAD/Blog #22: Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth

Andrew Carnegie's "Gospel of Wealth" voices how the difference between the rich and the poor have benefited civilization. Carnegie incorporates the idea of Social Darwinism, or survival of the fittest. He expresses that "while the law may be sometimes hard for the individual, it is best for the race, because it insures the survival of the fittest in every department." Therefore, Carnegie portrays how the imbalance in the society had been beneficial since the "strongest" citizens are the people who advance. He says that the "good old times" were not really the "good old times;" that the capitalism that has grown in society has created an imbalance. Yet, this imbalance is not bad. So, Carnegie asks, "What is the proper mode of administering wealth?" He also expresses the obligations of the wealthy: to live an unostentatious life, to consider administering his revenue, and to foresee the prospects which administering his wealth would grant to the community. Carnegie ends his "Gospel of Wealth" with "The man who dies thus rich dies disgraced."
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Similar to Carnegie, Bill Gates is a modern day philanthropist. Gates donates money to a foundation to increase healthcare and reduce poverty. Gates follows Carnegies example of sharing his wealth to those less fortunate.
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Sunday, November 25, 2018

LADs/Blogs #21 Emancipation Proclamation

The Battle of Antietam gave Lincoln a victory he needed in order to issue his Emancipation Proclamation. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation declared all slaves in the South free. It also orders people to maintain and respect their freedom, instead of repressing their rights. Therefore, he demonstrates that any slaves who are able to escape the Confederate government are free. However, he does not include parts of Virginia and Louisiana because, being border states, he feared they would also secede. He ends by saying his hopes for nonviolence and justice.
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Just as the Emancipation Proclamation declared an end to slavery, Brown v. Board of Education declared an end to segregation.

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LADs/Blogs #20 Lincolns 2nd inaugural Address

Lincoln starts off by saying there is no new information that he can give to the public. The public already knows of the "progress of our arms," meaning the progression of the war. Lincoln states that no side wanted war, but one side wanted to stay unified and the other to split, therefore the war started. He then talks about how slavery acted as a cause for war and, when the war came, neither side anticipated its magnitude or the difficulty of triumph. He discusses God, how God's judgements are "righteous and true altogether." To end his Inaugural Address, Lincoln urges the nation to end the war and start to rebuild the country, so peace can be achieved.
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Lincoln's second Inaugural Address is similar to Woodrow Wilson's second Inaugural Address since both stressed unity. Wilson encouraged the nation to provide "united aid."
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Sunday, November 18, 2018

LAD/Blog #19: The Dred Scott Decision

In 1846, Dred Scott, a slave, and his wife filed a suit against Irene Emerson (maiden name Sanford) for their freedom. Born into slavery in Virginia, Dred Scott was eventually purchased by John Emerson in St. Louis. Slavery had been prohibited in these territories due to the Missouri Compromise of 1820.. Irene Emerson hired out the Scott family when John Emerson died, and it was then that Dred Scott sued for his freedom. Scott had lived in free territories, yet he was still considered the property of the Emersons. Nonetheless, Chief Justice Roger Taney ruled on the side of Sanford. He denounced the legal ability of Dred Scott to sue in the first place, saying even though some states may grant African Americans state citizenship, this does not relate to national citizenship.. unconstitutional. Roger Taney ignored the precedent set as a result of the Missouri Compromise of "once free, always free" and made a questionable decision that many considered unconstitutional--a questionable decision that eventually led to the civil war. 
the Dred Scott decision is similar to Plessy v Ferguson, which upheld segregation saying "separate but equal" this was also later deemed unconstutional. 

LAD/Blog #17: Frederick Douglass' "5th of July" speech

Frederick Douglass was an escaped slave who, on July 5th, gave a speech: "The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro." His speech was presented on the day after American Independence day, and is a reflection on if America truly embraces freedom. Douglass starts with acknowledging the Founding Father's of America, yet then questions "Are the great principles of political freedom and natural justice...extended to [slaves]?" Clearly, Fredrick Douglass believes America has fallen short with their guarantee of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" with continuing the institution of slavery. Douglass emphasizes this fact, saying that while Americans are celebrating July 4th, others are trapped as a slave, something no one can justify. Therefore, Douglass ends by saying his belief that abolitionist movements will eventually crush slavery, finishing with William Lloyd Garrison's poem that highlights the fight for slavery, despite any dangers. 
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similar to Douglass, Martin Luther King Jr. advocated for the end of injustices against African Americans. he too believed that the people would be able to unite and overcome the grave wrongs society has done to blacks. 

LAD/Blog #18: Sojouner Truth's "Ain't I a Woman" speech

In 1851, Sojourner Truth delivered her "Ain't I a Women" speech at the Women's Convention in Akron, Ohio. Truth starts off by saying men believe women are not capable of doing certain labor, but she herself has done somethings that many men have not. And, she's a women. Therefore, she implies that women are capable and as a result should have the same rights as men. Yet, she extends this to portray that men believe women need help in many aspects, but she, as a black woman, doesn't receive help. Lastly, she says that even though Christ is a man, he came from a woman. Woman are going to fight for their rights, so men should not stand in their way. 
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similar to Truth, Susan B. Anthony was a women rights leader and leader for the rights of African Americans. she fought for suffrage for women and was also an abolitionist.
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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

LAD/Blog #16: Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is directed toward Americans after the Battle of Gettysburg. Lincoln had attempted to preserve the union and wanted to avoid civil war, yet the civil war began. He reminds the citizens that America was founded on the basis of equality and this war is testing whether the nation will survive. Now, Americans must resolve what these men were fighting for and America needs to have a rebirth of freedom so that the "government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from Earth."
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similar to Lincoln inaugural address, JFK expressed ideas of unity in the nation "don't ask what the nation can do for you, but what you can do for the nation."

LAD/Blog #15: Lincoln's First Inaugural Address

Lincoln's First Inaugural Address speaks to the "Fellow Citizens of the United States." Lincoln realizes there is apprehension in the South due to slavery, yet he states he has no desire to take away the institution of slavery from the people. He goes on to emphasize the rights of states, and how this is essential to the balance of power. Lincoln does not want to construe the Constitution, however, he wants to review acts that were not repealed and determine if they are unconstitutional. So far, the Union has held up, so Lincoln sees it as his duty to preserve the union. The issue of slavery has presented the threat of secession, but the nation has gone through so much as a whole and he does not want the unity to be threatened. Lincoln ends his address with "We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies." which emphasizes his desire to prove that America is a united nation that must not be split and threatened by civil war.

similar to Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson opened his inaugural address with " we are all republicans, and we are all federalists" proving that America should not tear itself apart of parties or political view but that they are one whole nation.

Monday, November 12, 2018

LAD/Blog #14: Calhoun's Speech on the Compromise of 1850

Calhoun, who did not actually deliver the speech himself as he was too ill, addressed the disunity of the nation in regard to the division between the North and the South. He determines what has put the Union in danger is the discontent of the South. And, efforts so far have not been as successful in attempt to preserve the Union. One of the causes of this discontent is slavery, yet the lack of balance in Congress has also caused discontent since the North became more dominant. Also, the issue of land and revenue raised distress in the South, because the North is characterized as wealthier. Therefore, Calhoun says that the US needs to appease the South by giving them an equal right to territory and slaves. Despite Calhoun's efforts, the Compromise of 1850 was still implicated. 
Abraham Lincoln advised against succession similar to Calhoun, however when the south seceded    from the United States he fought to keep the Union.

LAD/Blog #13: Polk's War Message

Polk's War message emphasizes the urgency of cementing relations with Mexico. Polk states that the United States has a strong desire to establish relations with them and adjust the boundary. Therefore, in an attempt to reopen diplomatic relations, the Mexican government agreed to receive an envoy to discuss the wrongs done upon American citizens which also became a question of boundary. Even though the government of Mexico was planning on beginning friendly relations when the envoy arrived, growing hostilities led to an overthrow of the government in Mexico. Polk sends in the military to prevent Mexican invasion of US territory and after not agreeing to retreat, Mexican armies invaded. Polk states the two nations are now at war, but the war was to be blamed on Mexico.
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The Mexican American war is similar to the American civil war, war was not the goal before either, and the Mexican American war was needed because of Mexicos invasion of US territory and the civil war was needed due to the threat of the south splitting the union.
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LAD/Blog #12: Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments

1.    The democratic principles at the beginning are that all men and women are created equal and that both have certain inalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These rights were stated in the Declaration of Independence, the were reinvented in the Declaration of Sentiments and included women.
2.    Grievances in the Declaration of Sentiments include that men force women to succumb to laws under which they have no control, men take away rights to property from women, men have taken all profitable employment, they deny women access to education and men help create the laws of divorce so that they have power. These grievances are obviously unfair to woman and they need to be changed
3.    The final revolution states that the women feel they are being fair and that they expect this to be faced with a variety of reactions and rejection, yet they hope that is will be followed with efforts of change.
4.     The Declaration of Sentiments was signed by people including Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Margaret Pryor, Richard Hunt, and Fredrick Douglass. Susan B. Anthony, however, did not sign the Declaration of Sentiments: not because she disagreed with it but because she was not at the convention.
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the Declaration of Sentiments was the beginning of the women's rights movements. women would continually fight for the right to vote until 1920 when the 19th amendment was ratified stating the right to vote could not be denied by sex.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

LAD/Blog #11: Monroe Doctrine

In the Monroe Doctrine, President Monroe declares that the American continents are free and independent of any chance to colonize.  He says this in accordance to the agreements made with Russia and Britain.   Although he sympathizes with the rebels in their rightful desire to gain independence, he states that the United States must remain neutral throughout the conflict.  He shows no interest in allowing the United states to interfere with the "de facto" government.   Monroe then states that the policies of the western hemisphere greatly differ from the policies of the eastern hemisphere.  America prepares a defense only when the rights of the citizens on their side of the Atlantic Ocean are being violated.  Finally, Monroe says that any involvement with the European system of alignment will cause nothing but conflict and unrest.  Therefore, neutrality is the only solution.
Woodrow Willson declared neutrality while the world fought in world war one.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

LAD/Blog #10: Jefferson's First Inaugural

During Jefferson’s first inaugural address, Jefferson addresses the crowd as “Friends and Fellow Citizens” showing his humble and responsible character as he is about to take up one of the most powerful position in the American government. Promising to abide by the constitution and protect the rights of citizens. Through his campaign Jefferson’s election has been focused on the rivalry between the two political parties John Adams representing the federalists and Jefferson as the candidate for the Republicans. However, during his speech, he refers to the American people as one, saying “we are all republicans, we are all federalists” this statement helped connect his speech to a much larger audience boosting his popularity. Jefferson’s inaugural address also ensures the rights of the people. He safeguards justice, freedom of religion and press, civil over military authority, peace and safety, agriculture and commerce, and the right to election. He states that his beliefs are to have America unite under “one heart and one mind” and therefore would do his best to help preserve and protect the rights of his people. Jefferson ends his speech showing that although his their president he is person and tells the people he will make mistakes and would like to ask for their forgiveness now.

Although it was his second inaugural address, Abraham Lincoln's speech was similar to Jeffersons. at this time the country was in the middle of the civil war. while he spoke about the wrongs of slavery he did not criticize the south. instead he spoke for the people saying that both the North and South are to blame for the war and both are in the wrong. he spoke on the hopes of reconstuction, and that the could come together as a nation. Similar to Jefferson, coming out of a close race with the federalist he did not slander them or bash their beliefs but hoped he could unite the two in support of the nation.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Was Cristopher Columbus a hero or a villain?

            Since elementary school, we have been taught that Christopher Columbus was a hero and that he discovered the America we know today. However, these stories are not told through the right point of view. Was not told through the Indians who barely survived his encounter, his story was told by the Spanish, who deemed him a hero, Columbus who pronounced his discovery and actions as progress. Using the word progress to mask the mass genocide he committed when discovering America. Colobus told Spain that the natives were willing to trade everything, when in reality he just stole all their gold and enslaved their people.Once there was no gold left, they were forced on to encomienda’s, large slave estates. Not only did he steal and lie to the natives he killed and enslaved most of the Natives forcing them to work in mines, which also would lead them to their death. And despite his heroic appearance as discovering the New World, our Columbus Day celebration is merely celebrating how Columbus's wrong doings brought us here today.

America went through the same in the Philippines , thinking they were doing right by their country by killing 3 million innocent Filipino children and civilians during the early 1900s.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

LAD/Blog #8: Washington's Farewell Address

In Washington's Farewell Address, Washington states that he won't be serving another term. Even though the people wanted him to serve another term, he refused and said he was satisfied with the work he did. Without him, he says that the people must abide by the Constitution and, especially now, the country must unite.  Washington warns the people about political factions. These parties can take upon influence in a certain geographical location and therefore misrepresent the passions or opinions of the people. Washington also cautions against foreign influence, which is believed to be the enemy of republican government. Therefore, he says to refrain from foreign alliances. Lastly, he warns that the US should elect their administration with caution. As a nation, they are trusted to prevent one "department" from dominating another.

 before the US was bombed at pearl harbor they remained out of the war and tried to keep out of foreign affairs. Similar to Washington’s finial warning to keep the country out of foreign affairs for the seeable future.

LAD/Blog #7: Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality

Washington’s proclamation of neutrality brings awareness to the state of war between foreign powers. It goes on to say how US citizens will value the actions taken by the nation to avoid intervening.  Also, citizens will be punished if they help or perform hostile actions against any power or by bringing foreign items to them. If a citizen Is caught doing this, they will not be protected by the US government. Washington Encourage officers to prosecute anyone who breaks the laws of these nation. 
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Similar to Washington, at the start of world war 1 Woodrow Wilson established a strict policy of neutrality. Wilsons and Washington’s statements both were very clear about the us government and the citizens should not get involved or act against foreign countries.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

LAD/Blog #6: Federalist Paper #10

1.    What is a faction? A number of citizens who are united and motivated by some common impulse of passion or interest, undesirable to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent interests of the community.
Why are factions a problem in government? Usually the factions are going against what the government has done or the laws they have made.
2. What are the two methods for curing the mischiefs of faction? Removing its causes and by controlling its effects.
What are the two methods for removing the causes of faction? Destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence and by giving to every citizen the same opinions, same passions, and same interests.
3. What does Madison argue that the causes of faction cannot be removed? Wishing to remove liberty is not possible and without it, faction instantly expires. It would be foolish to abolish liberty, which is essential to political life, because it nourishes faction.
4. Why does pure democracy have no cure for the mischiefs of faction? A pure democracy, as in a society made up of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the government in person, can not have a cure for the mischiefs of faction. A common passion will almost always be agreed on by a majority of the group from the communication from the government.
Why or why not? He agrees with it because it is in the interest of the public good and the rights of the citizens. He recommends that we adopt this way of government to mankind.
5. To what extent will enlightened leadership solve the problems of factions? According to Madison, one leader can't bring change to an entire state, let alone a country. They may be able to light a fire within the souls of the people near them, but it can't be so far dispersed that it will bring huge change.
Why does Madison have more trust in the leaders than the people? The leaders know what they want, while the people are looking for something to follow.
6. Why does a republic do a better job of controlling the effects of faction than a pure democracy? The Union is over the States composing it.
Why does a large republic do a better job of controlling the effects of faction than a small republic? The fewer the parties or interests, the greater chance there is for one of those groups to carry out their plan of domination.

Image result for federalist paper 10
Image result for declaration of independenceThe declaration of independence similar to the constitution was not approved by all people living in the United States of America. but by the pressure of political leaders and the persuading of the need for a revolution. lead the people to accept what must be done for the country.