Wednesday, September 26, 2018

LAD/Blog #8: Washington's Farewell Address

In Washington's Farewell Address, Washington states that he won't be serving another term. Even though the people wanted him to serve another term, he refused and said he was satisfied with the work he did. Without him, he says that the people must abide by the Constitution and, especially now, the country must unite.  Washington warns the people about political factions. These parties can take upon influence in a certain geographical location and therefore misrepresent the passions or opinions of the people. Washington also cautions against foreign influence, which is believed to be the enemy of republican government. Therefore, he says to refrain from foreign alliances. Lastly, he warns that the US should elect their administration with caution. As a nation, they are trusted to prevent one "department" from dominating another.

 before the US was bombed at pearl harbor they remained out of the war and tried to keep out of foreign affairs. Similar to Washington’s finial warning to keep the country out of foreign affairs for the seeable future.

LAD/Blog #7: Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality

Washington’s proclamation of neutrality brings awareness to the state of war between foreign powers. It goes on to say how US citizens will value the actions taken by the nation to avoid intervening.  Also, citizens will be punished if they help or perform hostile actions against any power or by bringing foreign items to them. If a citizen Is caught doing this, they will not be protected by the US government. Washington Encourage officers to prosecute anyone who breaks the laws of these nation. 
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Similar to Washington, at the start of world war 1 Woodrow Wilson established a strict policy of neutrality. Wilsons and Washington’s statements both were very clear about the us government and the citizens should not get involved or act against foreign countries.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

LAD/Blog #6: Federalist Paper #10

1.    What is a faction? A number of citizens who are united and motivated by some common impulse of passion or interest, undesirable to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent interests of the community.
Why are factions a problem in government? Usually the factions are going against what the government has done or the laws they have made.
2. What are the two methods for curing the mischiefs of faction? Removing its causes and by controlling its effects.
What are the two methods for removing the causes of faction? Destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence and by giving to every citizen the same opinions, same passions, and same interests.
3. What does Madison argue that the causes of faction cannot be removed? Wishing to remove liberty is not possible and without it, faction instantly expires. It would be foolish to abolish liberty, which is essential to political life, because it nourishes faction.
4. Why does pure democracy have no cure for the mischiefs of faction? A pure democracy, as in a society made up of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the government in person, can not have a cure for the mischiefs of faction. A common passion will almost always be agreed on by a majority of the group from the communication from the government.
Why or why not? He agrees with it because it is in the interest of the public good and the rights of the citizens. He recommends that we adopt this way of government to mankind.
5. To what extent will enlightened leadership solve the problems of factions? According to Madison, one leader can't bring change to an entire state, let alone a country. They may be able to light a fire within the souls of the people near them, but it can't be so far dispersed that it will bring huge change.
Why does Madison have more trust in the leaders than the people? The leaders know what they want, while the people are looking for something to follow.
6. Why does a republic do a better job of controlling the effects of faction than a pure democracy? The Union is over the States composing it.
Why does a large republic do a better job of controlling the effects of faction than a small republic? The fewer the parties or interests, the greater chance there is for one of those groups to carry out their plan of domination.

Image result for federalist paper 10
Image result for declaration of independenceThe declaration of independence similar to the constitution was not approved by all people living in the United States of America. but by the pressure of political leaders and the persuading of the need for a revolution. lead the people to accept what must be done for the country.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

LAD Blog #5: Republican Motherhood

1. What role did the Revolutionary War play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood?

After the Revolutionary War people began to believe that women should have a suitable education so that they could educate their sons in the principles of liberty and government.  It was also believed that women should learn to write, simple math, and a knowledge of the English language.

2. What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women?

Republican Motherhood increased the respect and recognition of women and their role in society.  Because of their role in the home, women are responsible for the future of the country, as they are the ones who bring up the children and educate them on morals and society (Doc D).  Home also became the place many men thought they could do the most good, to ensure that their children are brought up correctly.

3. What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women’s socialization?

Women were not expected to leave the house much, but they were supposed to make the home as welcome as possible and to send forth well educated and happy men from it.  While their actual physical presence was not meant to be felt in society, their influence was meant to be of upmost importance.
This portrait is set in a house on a couch. The mother, Mary Gibson Tilghman is in the center of the portrait, and she is well dressed conservatively, but not out there or flamboyant. Showing republican ties with her homeliness without extravagance. Her sons are well dressed and she strong and proper posture implying they have good manners. Her arms wrapped around her son shows her affection for her children.

 This picture of Rosie the Riveter. Also represent a period of time when the country was at war and women stepped up not just in the house, but in the workforce. Working in factories and helping build guns and tanks during WWII.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

LAD/Blog #4 Rethinking the Revolution

LAD/Blog #4 Rethinking the Revolution
1.     I learned that the American revolution was more a revolution and less than a war. The America revolution was an event that began much earlier as a revolution and ended with a war, unlike the Civil war began as a war and ended as a revolution. Also during the Revolutionary war, military leaders are less recognized than the civil war. In the civil war names like Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant are remembered where during the Revolution names like John Hancock and Ben Franklin.
2.     I also learned that Washington gave very little recognition to the war, he did not have congress set dates to remember important battles. He also failed to recognize the. Amount of militia men that put their lives on the line for America
3.     Thomas panes cry for independence in his Common Sensepamphlet. Paine described the riches and how much America would flourish with a democracy and live in a world without monarchies. These messages also help secure a future without British relations.
4.     I learnt that warfare during the American revolution was very dangerous than war today, although all war is very dangerous, warfare at this time was ridiculously close. Solders would stand 100 feet apart in lines and open fire upon each other.

5.     I also learned the cruel hardships that the troops suffered during the war. Running out of food and having to eat pet dogs and soup made from boiled shoes and candles. When low on uniforms or if solders had torn clothes. Men would be forced to work and live completely naked.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

LAD/Blog #3: Declaration of Independence

LAD/Blog #3 Declaration of independence 

1.)   List the democratic principles discussed in the opening.

In the opening the declaration of independence discus and addresses the principles in which America is now founded on. First of all, that all men are created equal and have the undeniable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To maintain and preserve these rights America has a democratic government run by the consent of the people. Although if this power is abused or denies the rights of the citizens the people have the right to abolish and establish a new fair government.

2.)   List 5 grievances the colonists were making the king aware of.

The king was made aware of his wrong doings by receiving criticism on how he dissolved representative houses for objecting to his injustice in the colonies kept armies in America even In times of peace, put taxes in place without their consent, took away charters and refused to benefit off a trial by jury.

3.)    Summarize what the finial paragraph was saying

The final paragraph is declaring independence of the colonies. It makes it clear that they are separating from the British crown and as a brand-new nation, have the right of any other country. This new nation is no longer faithful to Britain and no longer have political ties to them. Instead the vow to fight and defend each other as a nation as a whole./var/folders/m5/ybjnnzqd2n9415_73znwrszw0000gn/T/

 While giving his Gettysburg address he refers multiple times to the Declaration of Independence and what America is founded on and that all men are created equal. Even though the Declaration announced freedom from Britain and the Gettysburg Address gave freedom to slaves both reflect the ideas that America is based on liberty and a government run by the people for the people.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

LAD/Blog #2 peter Zenger

1.) Who was Peter Zenger?

John Peter Zenger was a editor for the New York weekly journal. he arrived in the then colony of New York in 1710 from Germany at had a apprenticeship at the New York Gazette with William Bradford. He also printed articles that criticized the colonial Governor William Crosby who then later arrested him for his publications.
2.) What was the controversy over his charges?
Andrew Hamilton, Zenger's Lawyer stated that while Zenger had took part in the publishing of the articles that ridiculed the governor, he also said that the stories were just attempts to bad-mouth the official unless they were proved otherwise. although Zenger had already been convicted. Hamilton was able to appeal to the jury to take into account the law and the facts, and was able to get Zenger acquitted.
3.) What influence did his case have on American governmental traditions?
The trial involved the use of the truth as a defense to help Zenger from being convicted of slander.  Hamilton's defense also became an example to be a following in similar trials that opposed tyranny in the colonial governments.
4.) What is the lasting significance of his trial?
Freedom of the press was a big idea that came from Zenger's trial and helped set the policy into action throughout the policy. "freedom of the press" was a big result of Hamilton's defense, in which claimed that a single statement is not a lie unless proven otherwise.
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Thursday, September 6, 2018

LAD/Blog #1: Mayflower Compact/Fundamental Orders of CT

LAD/Blog #1: Mayflower Compact/Fundamental Orders of CT

1.)    What concepts are included in the Mayflower Compact?

The concepts in the mayflower compact included the furthering of the Christian faith and the continued loyalty to King James. The enforcement of new laws, acts and constitutions also were developed by the new settlers in the colonies.

2.)    How does the Mayflower Compact reflect an attachment to both the “old” and “new” world?

Even though the old and the new are on different continents the new settlers continued a loyal relationship to King James, and by keeping their religion and practice of the Christian faith the mayflower compact though written in the new world still pulls ideals and culture from the new world.

3.)    How did the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut differ from the Mayflower Compact?

the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut strayed from the Mayflower Compact in which the Mayflower Compact stated more generic and broad ideals of the new world, where the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut contained actual binding rules and laws for the people of the new world.

4.)    What prompted the colonists of Connecticut to take this approach to Government I.E: Use of a written constitution?

The Colonists of the new world pulling from their old-world religion acted upon the word of god which stated that in order to maintain peace in a society, government of order must be created and established.

5.)    In what significant way does the fundamental orders reflect a fear and safeguard against the usurping of power by one person or chosen few?

The Fundamental Orders established positions of government based on popular sovereignty, made present a fear of an uprising from one man or a group of select few. However, the creation of two general assemblies to form an election of the governors the fear was addressed that the governing power must not go to one person.

Image result for mayflower compactImage result for fundamental orders of connecticut

Image result for constitution